George Floyd Square Still Occupied and Seemingly Supported by Attorney General Keith Ellison

George Floyd Square


In a TikTok video dating May 8, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison appears to be registering voters with the “gatekeeper” of George Floyd Square, Marcia Howard. In the video, Howard says that she is there protesting for the “24 Demands,” while Ellison nods and smiles along.

The video also shows the two of them while Howard says “No justice, no street.”

George Floyd Square, the location where George Floyd died in Minneapolis, has been occupied by protesters for almost 400 days – despite Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey promise to reopen the streets for traffic. Frey reassured protesters that while he wanted to reopen streets, the memorial could remain in its location.

Mayor Jacob Frey was criticized by the Minneapolis City Council for spending over $350 thousand to clear the intersection, hiring a local community group called the Agape Movement. Mayor Frey involved an outside group to try to keep tensions low and avoid bringing in local law enforcement. The protesters and city employees have been going back and forth, taking down and replacing the barriers that are blocking the Minneapolis intersection of 38th Street and Chicago.

In a more recent video, Howard can be seen walking through the George Floyd Square, angry because in her absence, the city had repainted the street lines where the autonomous zone has been located.

Yes, Every Kid

She said that reopening that section of street for traffic does not offer protection and safety for protesters and “the people who flooded the Square in order to give offerings.” and that the street lines that had been painted were unacceptable.

Recent photos of the area show that a few barriers have been replaced as of June 21.

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Hayley Tschetter is a reporter with The Minnesota Sun and The Star News Network. She graduated with a degree in Communications from the University of Northwestern-St. Paul. Send news tips to [email protected].
Photo “George Floyd Square” by Paul Sableman. CC BY 2.0.









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